Women’s Ministries

Welcome to the Women’s Ministries page!  Let’s face it – women have always been at the forefront of ministry and mission – so why a department of the church for women?  Women’s Ministries encourages women to further their potential, their participation and their vision in the mission of reaching out to Christ and to others.  It also encourages women to intentionally mentor young women towards real beauty in Christ.

Women’s Ministries Leader

Have you been asked to serve your local church as a Women’s Ministries leader? Or perhaps you serve on a church nominating committee and are wondering what a Women’s Ministries leader is expected to do.  This guide has been designed to help you understand the role of Women’s Ministries within your local church.

Duties & Responsibilities

The major duties and responsibilities of the Women’s Ministries leader in the local church include the following:

  • Establish a committee: Work with the church board to establish a committee ideally composed of women interested in the broad spectrum of women’s needs and concerns. The committee’s purpose is to brainstorm, develop strategies, and assist in planning programs and activities that relate to women’s specific and varied needs. 
  • Needs assessment: Work closely with the committee to survey the needs of the women in the local church and community.
  • Program development: Work with the committee and the pastor to develop and implement Women’s Ministries programs or seminars, and network with existing support groups active in the church. 

Responsible to

The Church Board and the Pastor.

Time Commitment

It is recommended that regular meetings be held, preferably once a month in order to keep the momentum going.

Term of Office

One year, but depending upon the church’s structure, possibly 3 years in order to become comfortable with the role and responsibilities of the leadership and to accomplish the goals of the committee.

Chairperson of the Women’s Ministries Committee

It is the responsibility of the local church Women’s Ministries leader to chair the Women’s Ministries committee. She will encourage ideas and plans that maximize women’s contribution to the mission of the church. The chair will put together an agenda, moderate discussion, and facilitate group cohesion through personal sharing, prayer, and fellowship.

Spiritual Gifts

Women’s Ministries believes that every believer should know his/her spiritual gift/s.  We therefore have developed a program to help women find out what their gifts are.  God has gifted each and every one of us with at least one gift and we want to help women minister according to that gift.

As Christians, seeking to follow the example of Jesus, we believe that it is important to do what we can to meet the needs of all people, developing trust, and helping them to find the answers to their needs. For this reason, Women’s Ministries has chosen to focus much of its attention on 6 challenges that affect women

  1. Threats to health (poor health status)
  2. Length of workday (a woman’s workload)
  3. Poverty (economic standing)
  4. Lack of Training, mentoring and opportunities
  5. Abuse (in all its forms)
  6. Illiteracy (education/literacy level)

Women’s Ministries is about more than just monthly meetings, special programs, retreats or congresses and social networking for women in the church.  Certainly, it can provide all those things, but Women’s Ministries is so much more.  It’s all about what the name says—ministry. 


What has Women’s Ministries accomplished during the last year?  Where would you want your church to be in 12 months?  Here are programs that Women’s Ministries sponsors and develops that will help you as you plan your activities for the year:

  • International Women’s Day of Prayer (First Sabbath in March) 
  • Women’s Ministries Day (Second Sabbath in June) 
  • Abuse Awareness Day (Fourth Sabbath in August)
  • Literacy programs 
  • Abuse recovery 
  • Prayer and Love Saves 
  • Global Mission projects 
  • Area-wide retreats and rallies 
  • Prayer groups and prayer chains 
  • Small group ministries/Bible studies 
  • Church hospitality 
  • Mentor young girls and women 
  • Leadership Training
Women’s Ministries exists to...



Ellen White was very much in favour of Women’s Ministries.  She said: “They (women) can do a work that men cannot do.  They can come close to the hearts of those whom men cannot reach.  Their labour is needed.”  (Evangelism page 465) and… “Let a woman realize the sacredness of her work and in the strength and fear of God, take up her mission.” 3T 565

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to elevate women as persons of inestimable worth because they have been created and redeemed.

Spiritual Vision Statement

To lift up Jesus Christ, that through His transforming grace women will be empowered. 

Women’s Ministries exists to:

  • Nurture the local church women so they can see their worth in Jesus-Christ
  • To empower these women so they can realize their potential
  • As they are nurtured and empowered, they are ready to do outreach, to touch others

Meet the Women’s Ministries Team

Are you a new Women’s Ministries leader in your church or looking for a speaker for your next meeting? Please contact us as we would love to help you.

Follow our Adventist Women New Zealand page on Facebook. 

Lynelle Laws

Lynelle Laws

Partners in Ministry Coordinator / Women’s Ministry Coordinator

North New Zealand Conference

Adrielle Carrasco

Adrielle Carrasco

Adventist Health Ministries Leader and Union Liaison for Women’s Ministry

New Zealand Pacific Union Conference

Women’s Ministry Events & Special Days

International Women's Day of Prayer

Observed first Sabbath of March

Women's Ministries Emphasis Day

Observed second Sabbath of June

enditnow® Emphasis Day

Observed fourth Sabbath in August

Downloadable Files

Download all

Womens Ministries

Have you been asked to serve your local church as a Women’s Ministries leader? Or perhaps you serve on a church nominating committee and are wondering what a Women’s Ministries leader is expected to do. This guide has been designed to help you understand the role of Women’s Ministries within your local church.
Size: 377.98 KB

2025 Yr Planner NNZC

UPDATED 13 March 2025. Conference Calendar of meetings and Events.
Size: 359.55 KB

Women’s Ministry Websites

South Pacific Division

Women’s Ministries Website for women in the South Pacific.

General Conference

This official website of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church has lots of useful resouces for Women’s Ministries.

Other Websites

Discipleship Ministries

Resouces and videos for Adventist disciple-making in the South Pacific.

Mums At The Table

Videos, support groups and articles for mums. Real mums having real conversations about real issues.

SPD Women in Ministry Scholarship Fund

Financial assistance to women wishing to enrol or who are currently enrolled in ministerial/theological training.

Advent Source

If you’re a new women’s ministries leader, this page is a great place to get started