Avondale Sponsorship

For more information on other available scholarships please visit www.avondale.edu.au/study/finance/scholarships

NZPUC New Zealand Students Scholarship

The New Zealand Pacific Union Conference would like to assist New Zealand residents by making an Avondale Education more viable and to support the training of prospective denominational workers for the church in New Zealand.

Submit applications by: second Monday in February. Semester 2, the last Monday in June.

The McDowell Theology Scholarship

Value: up to $2,000 per year, up to four (4) first-year scholarships and up to four (4) second-, third- or fourth-year scholarships are available to new and returning students enrolling in the Bachelor of Ministry and Theology or Master of Ministry courses. One-off grants of up to $2,000 may also be awarded.

Applications open: 30 September
Submit applications by: 31 January

Women in Ministry Scholarship Fund

The SPD Women in Ministry Scholarship Fund, administered by the SPD Ministerial Dept, seeks to provide financial assistance to women wishing to enrol or who are currently enrolled in ministerial/theological training at Adventist institutions of higher education within the SPD. The purpose of the scholarship is to affirm and encourage women to undertake a study program that would equip them for effective full-time ministry.

Application Forms



NZPUC Scholarship Application

NZPUC New Zealand Students Scholarship Application
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NNZC Sponsorship of Students to Avondale College

Policy – North New Zealand Conference

Submit application by Friday, 13 October 2023


This policy outlines the establishment and operation of a fund for the purpose of supporting students determined to be in need with the costs associated with attending Avondale College.


The North New Zealand Conference recognizes the need for sufficient personnel with appropriate training to meet needs of the field and institutions within the Conference.

By supporting New Zealand students through Avondale College, the Conference anticipates many of these students will return to work in North New Zealand.


The North New Zealand Conference, at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee, may from time to time establish a fund for the purpose of assisting students attending Avondale College.

The financial support will be offered in Australia dollars.

Financial support will not normally exceed 30% of total fees or 50% of the academic component of fees, whichever is greater.


In considering suitable candidates for assistance, applicants should meet the following criteria:

  • Held membership in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North New Zealand for a minimum of 3 years.
  • The application should have the support of the applicant’s local church board.
  • Applicants should have a clear police record.
  • The applicant should have demonstrated a period of practical contribution to the church, through holding either volunteer or salaried positions with the local church, conference or a church institution.
  • Applicants should satisfy the executive committee of a clear financial need.
  • Preference will be given to those applicants who:
    – Plan to undertake a ministerial degree.
    – Are mature students, having completed at least 5 years education and/or work experience since completing high school.


Notice of the availability of funding will be placed in the North New Zealand Conference weekly newsletter (PLUGIN) on two occasions in September/October each year. This notice will also show the closing date/deadline for receiving applications.

Application should be made in writing to the Secretary via email to Adeline Teina.

Although there is no formal application form, applicants should clearly demonstrate how they meet the criteria for assistance, including:

  • Their educational achievements to date
  • Their date of baptism or date they joined the church
  • A clear indication of the course they wish to undertake
  • The year(s) they intend to attend Avondale
  • How they will meet the remaining financial commitments
  • A letter of support from the local church board
  • Police clearance (or evidence that a clearance has been sought)
  • Outline of the service contribution they have made to the church


  1. Applications will be received by the Secretary.
  2. The Secretary will table the applications for support at the November Executive Committee meeting for consideration.
  3. Applicants will be notified within 10 days of the Executive Committee meeting of the decision of the committee.
  4. Where the Conference decides to sponsor the student, the Secretary will write to Student Finances at Avondale College outlining the nature and amount of financial support. A copy of the letter will be forwarded to the applicant.
  5. Avondale College will invoice the North New Zealand Conference directly for the amount of the support offered.

Duration of Support

The duration of any support will be for a single academic year.

Renewal of any such support shall be at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee.

Applications for such renewal should be made in writing at the same time as new applications as outlined above.  Consideration of applications for renewal will be considered at the same Executive Committee meeting as new applications.


Where a student terminates their study program before the end of the academic semester, the North New Zealand Conference will have first right to any refund on fees.  This refund of fees shall be on a pro-rata basis pro-rata basis proportionate to the financial support provided by the Conference.