Praise and Worship

The Role of the Worship Committee

The worship committee is responsible for:

  • planning and designing each week’s worship service
  • providing a climate where members experience the presence of God, feel loved, accepted and enjoy being together
The Worship Program

No two Seventh-day Adventist churches will necessarily have exactly the same worship style or format. A Biblical focus in an atmosphere of warmth, fellowship, care and acceptance brings the church closer to Christ and each other.

A successful worship service includes:

(1) preparing our hearts (2) hearing God speak; (3) responding to God, and (4) being equipped to share.

Elements such as the physical and spiritual atmosphere, music, lyrics, words spoken, congregational participation, drama and time should be considered. It is important that the committee agrees on the “variables” and “constants” of church worship. This means that the committee works together as a team.

A good worship committee will not continually make changes for change’s sake but will always be sensitive to the feelings and needs of all the diverse groups among its membership. 

Committee Members

A worship committee should reflect the diversity present in the congregation but small enough to be functional. The number of people on such a committee will vary from place to place to suit the local church’s needs. When selecting members, individual gifts and abilities, attitudes and interests should be considered. 

As worship leaders, “Is it not your duty to put some skill and study and planning into the matter of conducting religious meetings -how they shall be conducted so as to do the greatest amount of good and leave the very best impression upon all who attend?” (Ellen G White, Review and Herald, April 14, 1885).

Responsible to

Cooperate with the pastor and other church officers and responsible to the church board

Time Commitment

  • An initial planning session (or preferably a weekend) to prayerfully consider aims and build team relationships.
  • Fortnightly or monthly meetings to manage and organise worship events.  Weekly contact prior to the Sabbath worship service to finalise preparation.

Term of Office

Usually one year and depending upon the church’s structure, possibly longer. It would be ideal if some members of the worship committee were re-appointed so that the makeup of the committee does not change entirely every year and continuity can be provided.

Skills and Spiritual Gifts

God has gifted each of us in different unique ways. The following gifts are helpful for the functioning of the worship committee but not prerequisites for office.

Faith enables the worship leader to see God’s plan and to articulate a vision of what is possible.

Administration skills for directing or steering projects.

Discernment to assess the needs of all segments of the congregation and to find appropriate activities to enable as much of the congregation as possible to participate meaningfully in the worship experience.

Teaching: helps other believers learn and grow by communicating information and enabling them to apply Biblical principles in their lives.


Begin with a twelve month calendar of worship times and themes to support the sermon plan/ conference calendar where possible and add more detail working three months ahead.

  • Try to plan and notify participants no less than a week in advance. Outlining the program and time allocated for each segment.
  • Stay focused on the big picture goals
  • Consider a rehearsal when many people are involved
  • Ensure that sound equipment and technology are working well
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Praise and Worship


Worship Committee

Have you been asked to serve your local church as a member of the worship committee? Perhaps you serve on a church nominating committee and are wondering what a worship committee is expected to do. This guide has been designed to help you understand the role of this committee within your local church.
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