Communication Secretary

The Role of the Communication Secretary

The communication secretary helps the church speak to various groups including the secular community, other Christians, civic and business leaders as well as church members.

Here are a list of possibilities:

  • discussion and problem solving with various committees in relation to communication needs.  This may require advertising and publicity for events and services such as brochures, posters, direct mail and television spots
  • promoting the church through the telephone book, special listings, tourist publications, street and building signs and press releases
  • coordinating a church presence in parades and exhibitions
  • enhancing and protecting the church’s reputation by clarifying misunderstandings and incorrect news
  • coordinating spokespersons and being prepared to speak on behalf of the local church
  • personal contact with influential people and other communicators
  • protecting church identity and promoting the correct use of the logo
  • keeping church members informed about events and services
  • encouraging church member cooperation and involvement in community events
  • assisting with communication in a crisis
  • preparing a church newsletter
Becoming the Communication Secretary

The Communication secretary is elected by the church nominating committee on a yearly basis.

Responsible to

The church board. An assistant communication secretary or photographer would be responsible to the communication secretary.

Time Commitment

This role can consume as much time as anyone, or any group, is willing to put into it. In larger churches the board may appoint an assistant communication secretary or a communication committee. A church photographer could be named as well, becoming a member of the communication committee.

At least two hours a week will be required to prepare and distribute current news releases and promotional materials for the usual round of activities in an average-sized local church.

To produce a church newsletter, it will take another four to six hours an issue (monthly or quarterly), depending on your skills, equipment and how many helpers you have.

Special events will take additional time. 

Term of Office

One year.

Skills and Spiritual Gifts

God has gifted each of us in different ways. Spiritual gifts are given to every person to equip them to serve the church. Some gifts are more obvious than others. Some needs in the church can only be met by someone willing to work behind the scenes. Luke, the gospel writer, was not one of The Twelve but what a service to the church he performed in reporting the events of Jesus ministry while He was here on earth. (Luke 1:1-3)

Computing skills to utilise the internet, email and prepare newsletters and press releases.

Discernment is necessary in many instances where issues arise. The ability to assess how information should be treated and who should receive it are vital. Privacy laws also demand that sensitivity and thought be given to the use of photography and personal identity.

Interpersonal skills are helpful in developing new relationships and connecting with the community outside the church.

Attention to detail can benefit all aspects of communication. It can be as simple as spelling and correct grammar and as involved as fielding calls from the media when issues arise.

Being a Strong Communicator

A close rapport with the pastor and department heads enhances the work of a communication secretary. Cooperation and discussion with these leaders prevents ineffectiveness. If church members and department heads are encouraged to share information about planned projects the communication secretary can assist with promotion.

The reputation of your church as an active, caring congregation will be enhanced when others are aware of its activities. Some things may not be newsworthy but, a communication secretary, should be given opportunity to know about them and assess their potential.

There may also be opportunity to coordinate the communication efforts of churches in close proximity. This can provide savings in time and money.

When members of the congregation are able to see or hear their church positively promoted it increases morale and enthusiasm.  The communication secretary can influence church life in a positive way.

Advent Source

If you’re a new communication or technology leader at your local church, this page is a great place to get started.


For all our notices for New Zealand check out our Adventist Communication Hub on Trello

Adventist Identity Style Guide

Great site to custom your logo, find stationery and signage templates for different skill sets and much more.

North Island Newsletter

Essential email newsletter for Adventists in the north island of New Zealand.

South Island Newsletter

Essential email newsletter for Adventists in the south island of New Zealand.

Communication Secretary


Communication Secretary

Have you been asked to serve your local church as communication secretary? Or perhaps you serve on a church nominating committee and are wondering what a communication secretary is expected to do. This guide has been designed to help you understand this role within your local church.
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