Youth Rush

What is Youth Rush?

Youth Rush is a 10 day summer literature evangelism program specifically designed for youth and young adults. Students receive training and mentorship from experienced evangelism workers on how to effectively share their faith and Biblical literature in many settings – homes, churches, businesses, and more!

During the program, students also:

  • Participate in worship and receive practical tips on how to develop and maintain a devotional life
  • Gain valuable social and communication skills
  • Earn money
  • Make lasting friendships

Youth Rush is a Ministry of the North & South New Zealand Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists.

Why Join Youth Rush?
  • You will get experience in front-line mission work! Youth Rush is an extreme spiritual boot camp. You can look forward to incredible experiences with God and growing in your leadership and people skills.
  • You will be trained! You will receive training from experienced literature evangelists.
  • You will grow in your relationship with Jesus! Daily worships and active service provide an encouraging spiritual environment and fosters spiritual growth.
  • You will make new friends! Group activities and daily community provides interaction and bonding with other spiritual young people serving God.
  • It’s free! Accomodation, transportation, and meals are provided free of charge for the duration of the program.
  • You will discover spiritual seekers! Bible workers and church members follow up evangelistic interests so that spiritual seekers can find what they are looking for.
  • You will earn money! A commission from any money received from the sale/donation of books will be paid to each participant.

God has ordained the canvassing work as a means of presenting before the people the light contained in our books, and canvassers should be impressed with the importance of bringing before the world as fast as possible the books necessary for their spiritual education and enlightenment. This is the very work the Lord would have His people do at this time. All who consecrate themselves to God to work as canvassers are assisting to give the last message of warning to the world. We cannot too highly estimate this work; for were it not for the efforts of the canvasser, many would never hear the warning.” Colporteur Evangelist, p 5

“The vineyard is large, and the Lord is calling for laborers. Do not allow anything to keep you from the work of soul-saving. The canvassing work is a most successful way of saving souls. Will YOU not try it?” Colporteur Evangelist, p 33

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to attend Youth Rush? There is no fee required to attend Youth Rush. The Youth Rush program is supported by generous funds made available from an Adventist Media (South Pacific Division) Literature Evangelism grant and NNZ Conference funds. Part of the money raised through the sale of books goes towards covering some of the costs of the program.

What does the daily schedule look like? Each day starts with worship, breakfast and training and then time on the doors selling books. After lunch more time will be spent on the doors, followed by dinner and free time. 

Will there be any free time? Yes, there is free time each evening after dinner and on the weekends.

How much commission will I receive? Participants receive a commission of books distributed, minus the cost price of the book.

How will I be paid? You will be paid via direct bank transfer at the completion of the program.

What age do I have to be to to join Youth Rush? The program is catered towards ages 15-35. Prospective participants outside of this age range will be considered on an individual basis.

What is Literature Evangelism? Literature evangelism is the process of sharing Christ with others through the printed page and has been an integral way Seventh-day Adventist’s have fulfilled the Great Commission since the birth of the advent movement. Literature evangelism can take many forms from sharing free literature (GLOW tracts, pocket books, Mission Book of the Year etc) to selling literature as a self-supporting ministry.

Where can I learn more about Literature Evangelism? Ellen White’s book Colporteur Ministry ( contains much valuable counsel regarding Literature evangelism. Literature Evangelism in Australia is supported by Adventist Media in the South Pacific Division and helpful information can be accessed on their webpage


After completing the Youth Rush program, participants who are currently studying Ministry at Avondale or who choose to study Ministry at Avondale, will have the opportunity to apply for a Student Literature Evangelism Scholarship, funded by Adventist Media Literature Ministry and valued at up to $2,340 each. 

Student LE’s who have successfully completed their scholarship have the opportunity to apply for a further Literature Evangelism Leadership Scholarship of equivalent value. The Leadership Scholarship is designed to further develop leadership skills in facilitating, training, and mentoring other Student LEs and young people at Conference Youth Rush events. A leadership scholarship will be available on appointment. 

Scholarships will be credited towards the following term study fees.

Youth Rush Registration

Youth Rush Registration