Speak Life
Thanks for checking out this resource page! If you or someone you know ever feels stuck in a dark space, check out the below video, tools and links to help with the journey. God has a huge plan for your life, and sometimes we just need the right kind of encouragement to lift us up. Let’s speak life!
TOOL 1: Be Available
Are you too busy for people to reach? Or approachable enough for someone to feel safe to share something heavy? God wants to use you to lift someone up. This can only happen though when we’re available. Take time to connect intentionally with people today and be ready for how Jesus may want to speak life to them.
TOOL 2: Expose the Dark
Once you’re connected with someone, God wants the dark places in their lives to be exposed. And there are two ways of doing this:
You’ve got to ask the hard questions. Take time to care about tough things in their life. When you acknowledge those things and give them permission to do the same. Shine a light! Through your attitude and encouragement, let the presence of Jesus be felt when you’re with them. Love them. Be empathetic, and show them that God is much bigger. When you speak life in these ways, you expose the areas that Jesus can take a hold of.
TOOL 3: Claim a Future
In every God-conversation, take time to show someone what Jesus sees in their life and future. You can do this quoting a Bible promise, praying with faith over them, or telling them why God hasn’t given up on them. Whatever you say, speak with confidence. God becomes clearer when doubt is pushed aside and we speak life.
Additional Help:
There’s so much support available across New Zealand! On top of talking to someone close to you, God may want you to reach-out to one of following great services:
Lifeline Helpline
A 24/7 helpline and textline that provides confidential support towards suicide from qualified counsellors and trained volunteers.
Call 0800 LIFELINE (0800 543 345) or Text “Help” to 4357
Mental Wealth – Leva
A great resource to learn more about mental health and to keep accountable. It’s especially geared for those from a Pasifika or Maori background.
mentalwealth.nz or Call/Text 1737
I Am Hope
A top counselling and resource service for kids, teens and youth all across New Zealand.