Health Ministries
At Adventist Health we believe that health is about choices. The choices that you make can help you to enjoy the “abundant” life that we have been promised. We are here to empower you to lead a healthier lifestyle, establish good habits in order to reap the lasting benefits!
Health Secretary
Have you been asked to serve your local church as the health secretary? Or perhaps you serve on a church nominating committee and are wondering what a health secretary is expected to do. This guide will help you understand the role of Health Secretary within your local church.
The Role of the Health Secretary
The local church health secretary is the coordinator of health education and promotion within and beyond the congregation. Duties may include:
- health awareness and education
- promoting health emphasis week and the health offering
- promote health related journals, magazines, DVDs, correspondence courses and other resources
- teaching church members techniques and methods for healthy food preparation
- assisting new members with nutritional information and inviting them home for meals
- coordinating community events for the public (topics include disease prevention, physical fitness and weight control, stress management, the benefits of vegetarian food and nutrition, cooking demonstrations etc.)
- identifying opportunities in schools and community clubs to promote health
- find opportunities to communicate the health message through the media (newspaper articles and letters)
- conducting surveys and signing petitions regarding alcohol/ tobacco and other drug issues
Responsible to
The pastor and a health committee. (The health committee may include the pastor, an elder, the personal ministries leader, the communication secretary and health professionals in the congregation.)
Time Commitment
This requires at least five hours a week when preparing for or conducting a community program.
At other times throughout the year it may require less time.
Term of Office:
One year. This role is usually more effective if the same person can commit for a number of consecutive years.
Skills and Spiritual Gifts
God has gifted each of us in different ways. The following gifts are valuable when considering the choice of a member for the role of health secretary.
Leadership: Enables the health secretary to chair committees, coordinate activities and manage programs.
Understanding: Become conversant with the health message and principals of healthy living.
Mercy: A high level of compassion to minister to the physical, mental and spiritual needs of those in the congregation and the community.
Helper: To consistently give or organise assistance for those in need or “hard to reach”.
Faith: Confidence in God’s promises and His ability to move plans ahead even when direction is not clear.
Resources and training
Training and resources are available to assist the health secretary in the local church. These include:
- Vegetarian Cooking Instructors course
- Vegetarian Cooking Demonstrators course
- Health program resources
Contact your local conference health director or Adventist Media for specialised community programs to promote health.
“Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me.’” (Ellen G White, The Ministry of Healing, page 143.)
When the church meets the health needs of the community, it will become known as a caring church with a practical gospel.
Health and temperance are an integral part of the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1 Cor. 10:31) Health ministry is the gospel of Christ demonstrated in day to day life, it is no longer theory but a way to live.
The focus of health ministry is to help men and women reach their full potential mentally, spiritually and physically. To reach full potential we need to care for our bodies in the way God intended.
Meet the Health Ministries Team
Are you a new leader in your church or looking for help with your ministry? Please contact us as we would love to help you.
Adrielle Carrasco
Director of Adventist Health Ministries & Union Liaison for Women’s Ministries
New Zealand Pacific Union Conference
Geoff Beissner
Ministry Assistant
New Zealand Pacific Union Conference
Health Programs
If you are interested in running a program in your church, please get in contact with the Health Ministries team today.
Live More Project
Its fun, simple, and uses scientifically proven strategies to give your happiness a boost.
Discover a proven approach to reversing today’s leading causes of death and disability.
De-stress and Thrive
Learn proven methods to manage your stress and experience greater happiness!
Forgive To Live
Understanding and practising forgiveness can literally save your life.
Retirement Ready
Planning for this stage of life gives the best possibilities for living well in retirement.
ELIA Kitchen
Learn to cook delicious plant-based recipes for your best health and those you cook for.
Depression and Anxiety Recovery
This programme provides mental health education in a comprehensive way that deals with the core issues that cause and are associated with depression and anxiety.
DARP is run in partnership with Adventist Health Ministries throughout different Adventist churches in New Zealand.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
Ko Awatea has produced a New Zealand version of the Australian MHFA programme. Up-dated by a dedicated Mental Health Education team at Counties Manukau District Health Board, the Mental Health First Aid certificate will ensure you have the correct tools you will need to help those in your community that are living with mental health illness or issues.
Health Resources to Download
Health Resources
South Pacific Division
Adventist Health Ministries Website
General Conference
Adventist Health Ministries Website
Advent Source
If you’re a new health ministries leader, this page is a great place to get started
CREATION Life is a faith-based wellness plan for those who want to live healthier and happier lives and share this unique, whole-person health philosophy
Auckland cafe, recipes, cookbooks, watch Cook:30
Emotionally Healthy
Peter Scazzero has produced many resources that help pastors guide their churches to being emotionally healthy in their spirituality.